What is Rebranding and Repositioning
What is Rebranding and Repositioning — — - These two terms are commonly presumed to be synonyms while theoretically, they are not. Now here is the big question, how is repositioning different from rebranding. Rebranding means to change a brand’s identity. It includes changing few or all of the brand elements (brand name, logo, colour, packaging, typography, slogans and URLs). Rebranding is a highly successful strategy for brands offering tangible good. While Repositioning means to change a customer’s perception of the brand. This normally means to change a brand’s personality and its promise. Taglines are usually changed to convey the brand’s new promise while brand names are normally kept unchanged. Repositioning requires a lot of effort because it entails the identification of the right target market and positioning strategy. Repositioning can either be a standalone strategy or it can be accompanied by a change in brand elements depending on the marketing strategy. For instance...